CHOCOLATE CREATURE: A .55 oz chocolate with crisped rice, moulded in the shape of one of six creatures or pets inspired by the Wizarding World: Aragog, Croockshanks, Fang, Fluff, Hedwig, and Thestral. Each will include one of six exclusive collectible stickers. Packages are blind without a window, so the creature inside remains a mystery until the bag is opened.
*This item is available online between October and April when the weather is usually cooler. It is available all year round at our shop to walk in customers. Please note that chocolate will melt in temperatures over 80 degrees F. For this reason we highly recommend that customers order only in cool temperatures. If the chocolate travels through any warm region it may melt. Please understand that we have no control over this and can not be held responsible. However, even if candy melts it will still taste delicious and you still get a wizard trading card to collect or trade! It’s best to order this item only during Autumn & Winter and to have it shipped to an address where someone is available during the day (so it doesn’t sit outside) for the best chance of it arriving in solid form. Upon arrival, put it in the refrigerator or a few minutes before opening to ensure it is solid.
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